
Describes the configuration of the device

Payment Device Configuration

  • testEnv boolean

    Indicates whether the payment device is in a test environment. Set to true for testing or false for production use.

  • terminalId string

    The unique identifier for the terminal. Used to identify the terminal with the host.

  • terminalNo int

    The terminal number assigned to the device. It may be used to identify individual terminals in a fleet.

  • paymentGateway enum

    The payment gateway used. Possible values: SHVA, ARENA, TRANZILLA.

  • pinpad enum

    The type of the pinpad integration. Possible values: NONE, SYNQPAY_HTTP, SYNQPAY_TCP, SYNQPAY_AIDL

  • beneficiary string

    The id of the beneficiary or with the host for the transaction.

  • posMode boolean

    Indicates if the point of sale mode is enabled. Set to true for POS operations on device or false for none.

  • settlementTime string

    The time at which transactions should be auto settled, in HH:mm format.

  • declineFailedDeposit boolean

    Determines whether a failed deposit should be automatically decline a transaction. Set to true to decline, or false to allow retry.

  • autoDeposit boolean

    Indicates whether deposits should be made automatically after a successful transaction. Set to true to enable automatic deposits, or false to disable it.

  • logo string

    The logo file identifier for the terminal.

  • maxAmountLimit int

    The maximum transaction amount that the terminal is allowed to process.

  • screenAlwaysOn boolean

    Controls whether the device's screen stays on continuously. Set to true for always-on or false to allow it to turn off when idle.